Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Beginnings - today my heart broke

January 10, 2012 Today is my first entry. Being new to blogging, bear with me as I get my sea-legs. Izzy is going blind. Quite suddenly. As a four year old, super-hyper Parson Russell Terrier it was quite a shock to us the day we noticed she was not catching a ball as marvelously as she had used to. To any terrier, ball chasing is Nirvana. It is a part of their genetic makeup. Izzy could catch a tennis ball mid air, even when it approached from behind. A quick twist in the air, her open mouth anticipating success... Whompers. Ball caught. Again mom, again? A trip to her regular vet transitioned into weekly pilgrimages to the Vetrinary ophthalmologist. Bad news is never easy to hear. Sudden Onset Cataracts. There is no cure. She will soon be totally blind. As we help her make this transition into darkness, sharing what we learn from her will help us cope. Your participation with comments and suggestions will be appreciated. I learn something new from her everyday. Izzy is adapting to her dark, shadowed world much better than I am. Her spirit never wavers. Even as she strains to see the ball, cocks her head to hear the bounce of the rubber ball on the wood floor, she does not give up. She turns in circles sometimes standing directly over the ball and still cannot find it. My heart broke tonight as I threw her favorite rubber ball; a mini orange and blue rubber ball sized perfectly for her tiny mouth. I bounced it on the wood floor, to make a sound she could hear. Running, she crashed into the fireplace, splattered on the floor and without missing a beat turned to me. Come on Mom, throw the ball! She always has a positive attitude and a smile on her face. Her blindness will not slow her down. We may have a few more bumps and bruises to heal, but I believe we will continue to have a happy dog. My mission. Find mini toys for blind small dogs.There are plenty for big dogs, but none for small mouths. If I can't find them, I will make them. I am a Zen Entrepreneur.


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